Friday, March 5, 2010

About Me

Hey, I'm Kayce.

I married my high school sweetheart, Jeff on November 27th, 2006. We met in March of 2004, and started dating May 27th, 2004. Our baby boy Evan Alexander was born June 3rd, 2009 at 2:27 AM. He weighed 4 pounds, 14 oz and was born at 38 weeks, and 2 days. I had to be induced due to IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restiction.) I was in labor for 24.5 hours (2:00am June 2nd, until 2:27am June 3rd!), and ended up having to have an emergency c-section.

I don't take advice because my situations are my own. Please don't bother with the "you're too young to be married" crap. If you need to be critical about my relationship just by knowing my age, then you have some serious jealousy/insecurity issues with your own life and you're wasting your breath. I can't stand drama. We all did stupid shit in high school and we all made mistakes, but it doesn't shape who we are for the rest of our lives. If you can't grow up and let go, don't bring your problems to my front door.

I pride myself on my 3.19 GPA, which is excedingly higher than what I graduated high school with. Just goes to show, I'm not stupid...just lazy. That's what happens when you have an IQ of 134 and ADD.

I have unlimited texting and I'm always up for late night conversations about nothing, or everything. Whatever you need me for. If you want my number, you can just ask me. =]

I'm a Scorpio. I tend to be true to my sign most of the time. I didn't believe in that stuff until a lot of it started being true. I'm a pervert. I have the brain of a teenage boy. I have a potty mouth. I only act like a lady when I feel like it. Same with my age. I only act it when I want to. And sometimes much, much older. If I need to act mature, I do. If I don't, I don't. Simple. =]

I have three Siamese cats. Caesar is 18 pounds now, God help me. He and his offspring Simone spend a lot of their time tormenting me. Apples is the mellow one, he doesn't do much but eat, and sleep...and lick me while I'M trying to sleep. I love them like my own little fur-children.

I have 6 tattoos, and 8 piercings. Not all of them are in my ears. xD

All in all, I'm a little crazy, a little loud, but I've been told I'm fun. Which, I guess is important. I treat my friends like family, because I know that if you want someone to stick around in your life, they have to know you appreciate them.

I try to live by this motto: Be kinder than necessary. Everyone is fighting their own kind of battle.

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